Section 5 Building Your Relationship With God - 17 The Holy Church And The Holy Sacraments

Question: I sense a very strong disapproval from you about this...

God’s answer:

It is abhorrent.
A woman is not a piece of property or a commodity.

Question: Can you give some closing remark to this topic:

God’s answer:

The basis of marriage is love.
Marital love is not communal.
On Gender Equality

God’s statement:

Women got the short end of the stick
It’s time to set the record straight.

Listed are important sections/stories in the bible which has had an effect on gender inequality, which God wants to rectify.

I. The story of Adam and Eve:

Question: What is the effect that Eve being created before Adam has had in the way women are perceived?

God’s answer:

Woman was created for man.
Women are lowly.

Question: What is the effect of Eve being the one who tempted Adam on our perception of women?

God’s answer:

Women are a temptation. They lead man astray
Women should have no say.
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